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Are you a business and have a product you want Donna from Naztazia to try out? If so, use this page.
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Do you have a request for a video? Want to see a particular stitch? How about a certain kind of blanket? Or purse? Maybe some crochet clothes? Submit it on the request line!
If you need to send a message related to a video or project by Naztazia, please use this form.
If you have questions on a crochet pattern, knitting pattern, sewing pattern, and other needlework patterns attributed to Anna Fera … that’s my grandmother! Gram was an amazing designer! Feel free to send your questions to me regarding Anna Fera crochet, Anna Fera knitting, Anna Fera sewing, and more.
D. Wolfe Consulting, Inc.
ATTN: Naztazia
2800 Stafford Ave #3023
Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: 570-212-9653