How to Crochet a Magic Ring and a Padded Ring
A magic ring is used in crochet when crocheting in the round or a circle. The crochet magic ring, sometimes called an adjustable ring, closes the gap formed by the starting stitches.
A padded ring is used in a crochet to add a 3D effect to the center of a crochet circle. You’ll see this used quite often as a vintage technique in Irish lace crochet.
Crochet Magic Ring or Adjustable Ring
First, leave several inches of the tail end of the yarn. You’ll need this later to pull the ring closed. Next, make a loose slipknot. What this means is start your slip knot, but don’t finish it and don’t pull it closed tightly. Leave it loose. This will allow us to work the stitches inside of it.
Make a chain 1 if you are planning on working single crochet stitches in the ring. Crochet your single crochet stitches in the ring, at the same time, crochet around that tail end. Once completed, pull on the tail end tightly (but not too tightly that you break the yarn). This will close the center of the ring. Proceed with a slip stitch to the first stitch and continue on with the pattern.
Crochet Padded Ring
First, leave several inches of the tail end of the yarn. Wrap the yarn either around your finger or the end of an ergonomic crochet hook. You can easily wrap the yarn anywhere from 3 to 15 times. Three will give you a thinner padded ring and fifteen will give you a thicker padded ring. Insert hook into the ring.
Chain 1 to secure the wraps together. Proceed to either chain 1 for single crochet (or whatever the pattern calls for). Then just make your stitches inside of this ring. Once completed, slip stitch to the first stitch.
I happen to like the back side of the padded ring instead of the front side that we just crocheted. So I flip the ring over, then proceed to make my stitches for a flower or whatever the pattern directs.
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Nail polish used in this video includes LA Girl Gel GNL665 Bella with PURE ICE Glisten to Me as the topcoat.