DIY Plant Holder and Hanger
You can make this crochet plant holder and hanger in under an hour for each. They make great gifts for both natural and artificial plants. Nylon crochet thread or nylon mason’s line works great for both indoor and outdoor use.

Decorative Potted Plant Covers
I’m a big fan of decorating anything with crochet. The lace effect looks lovely over plain planters. Plus, you can add straps to the cover and hang the plant from the ceiling. You can use natural or artificial potted plants and flowers. These also make beautiful gifts. By the way, if you need some assistance with the basics of crochet, please see my beginner videos.
Constructing the Plant Holder
With crochet items like this, you will want to make them solid and sturdy. With this in mind, save the soft, delicate, and lightweight yarn for scarves and shawls. It is best to use the rough and tough stuff with these projects.
Keeping this in mind, I tend to favor nylon string. Nylon works great for both indoor and outdoor use. This fiber dries rather quickly if it gets wet, doesn’t encourage mold growth, plus nylon is incredibly robust. I haven’t been able to destroy anything I’ve made using it.
Of course, it’s not always easy to find nylon string or crochet thread. Luckily, Red Heart has a lovely nylon product found even in the big W store’s craft aisle. Suppose your store doesn’t carry it; head over to your local hardware store. Contractors use a string product called “mason’s line” or “mason’s twine” for marking new construction areas such as walls. Ironically, this nylon product is similar to the same fancy nylon fiber product that the high-end crochet handbags use. Plus, mason’s line comes in such neat colors!
Final Thoughts
As you can see, I’m a big fan of using nylon for patterns like this. However, if you can’t find anything like it in your area, 100% cotton also works. I tend to favor the cotton string that they use to tie up newspapers instead of the nice dishcloth cotton. Check the hardware section of your store for this type of 100% cotton string. You can also use twine or other stronger fibers.
And while you are at the home improvement place, I like to get strong metal keyrings. I use a keyring to hook the straps together at the top of the hanging planter. Then I connect the ring to the hook in the ceiling for a lovely plant.
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Written PDF Pattern
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Crochet Plant Holder and Hanger Pattern
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